Monday, June 30, 2014

On My Desk #40



Every Monday, I post about what’s on my desk.

The Dangerous Creatures revisions are done & I’m still deciding between potential ideas for a new book, so…it’s project time. Projects that aren’t related to writing actually give my mind the time it needs to bounce ideas around. So my office is full of project supplies.

Project #1: Shadow Boxes

I’m putting my book memorabilia in shadow boxes, like this Unbreakable promo mailer with the Hand of Eshu stamped on the outside & these Unbreakable coasters from BEA 2013.

Project #2: Birdcages & Cloches

I’m filling glass cloches & birdcages with everything from old books to vintage cameras.

Project #3: Apothecary

Labels and bottles for making vintage-looking apothecary bottles.

Leave a comment and let me know which project you’d like me to post more about.

If you missed On My Desk #39, you can see it here.

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