Thursday, March 5, 2009
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some days are dark

and everything feels wrong and sad and lonely those are the days i write dark and sad and lonely because you can't write about scared or brokenhearted when everything is perfect on those days when the stars align when you look in the mirror and like what you see when you write pages and pages […]

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Monday, March 2, 2009

the average cat

A novel must be exceptionally good to live as long as the average cat. – Hugh Maclennan  Let's hope ours lives longer.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009
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if you spill, i will

When I was a teenager, I wasn't the coolest girl in school, or the prettiest. I wasn't the best athlete, or the lead in the school play. I couldn't sing or play an instrument. But I also wasn't the least popular girl or the one everyone hassled, either. I was just me, which as far […]

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

spilling open

If you haven't read this book, it might change your life. I think everyone between the ages of 12 and 25 should be able to go to some kind of kiosk futuristic government and pick up a free copy.  The book is artist Sabrina Ward Harrison's art journal, but it's also filled with photos, poetry, […]

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Saturday, February 21, 2009
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i was in the shower

when it arrived. The ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) for Beautiful Creatures. My husband, Alex, brought the package into the bathroom and I stuck my head out of the shower while he and my kids opened it. And I swear, nothing could have prepared me for seeing it. Our actual book. Not our book on the […]

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

talented genius

If writing teen dialogue isn't that hard for me, does that mean I'm immature or a talented genius?  Don't answer that.  If you know me, we both know the answer. If you don't, I'd like you to live under the misguided notion that I'm a talented genius. But seriously, if I read primarily teen novels, […]

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