Friday, April 10, 2009

songs to write by

[The Kings of Southern Rock – The Allman Brothers Band] If you're writing about the South, you need to listen to some Southern music. In my case that's Southern rock. Since Beautiful Creatures, and the sequel we are writing now, are about a lot more than just the South, I need a few other songs […]

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

in the weeds

I've been in the same chapter for two days. Two days is a long time to spend on 10 pages, at least for me. But this is one of those times when writing is hard. And I have to get it right. Because even though it's a first draft, I want our editors J &J […]

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Monday, April 6, 2009

the solitude of my silent suffering

it's been a while since we waded through the swamps of my tortured teenage mindhere's another one from my younger self try not to suffer through the silence of my solitude…                                                                       1990

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Friday, April 3, 2009

writing is hard

Writing is hard or easy, depending on the day. Sometimes when I'm working on a scene, I can see the whole thing in my mind as if it was a movie. I can see the trees or the house. I can hear the characters talking to one another. Then it's cake. I just start typing […]

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Monday, March 23, 2009
Comments Off on book 2: stepping out of the shadow

book 2: stepping out of the shadow

It's an undeniable fact. The second book in a series is like the younger brother in the family – always trying to get out of the shadow of his big brother. Not to mention that second books don't always deliver. So that's where Marg and I are…trying to make sure our second book is worthy […]

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Comments Off on the relationship between writing and pizza

the relationship between writing and pizza

Margie loves to work in the library and eat chocolate cake and drink lattes. I don't mind the library, but I'll trade it any day for the comfy chair in Margie's office or the leather one in Ashly's library. For me, this is the perfect storm: 1) The comfy chair (during the day) or my […]

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