Friday, May 1, 2009
<Pan's Labyrinth, Picturehouse/Warner Brothers > We turned in the draft of Book 2 today to our editors, Jen & Julie, at Little, Brown. And this is how it feels. It's like staring into a place so frightening, yet enticing that you literally can't take a step. Don't get me wrong, Jen & Julie are incredibly […]
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Monday, April 27, 2009
<whatapic> Dazed and confused -that's what it's like when the publication of your first book is imminent. (at least for me) For those of you who love Letterman, here's the: Top Ten Stupidest Questions You Ask Your Agent, Editors, Writing Partner (Margie), or Blog Girls (at least if you're me): 10. They want to buy […]
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
<> So here's how it goes with us… We have 439 pages of Book 2 finished, and our draft is due next week (in other scenarios with BC an edit due). It's done, right? That's what sane people would assume, but Margie and I operate a little differently. One of us calls the other (usually […]
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Saturday, April 18, 2009
The last two weeks of a draft or an edit are rough. This is how my day goes:Up at 6:30 to teach in the morning.Preschool pick up at 12:30.Bribe my son into taking a nap. My daughter is younger, translation: more compliant for now.Remind my son 8-10 times to take a nap.Write while my kids […]
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
< Larry West – > The end of the book is hardest and the easiest part to write. It's a sprint. Once I get to a certain point, I could write the whole thing in a day, in one sitting. If I didn't teach in the mornings. If I didn't have kids. But even though […]
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Monday, April 13, 2009
I just finished a truly badass chapter. It's a had feeling to describe when you just write for four hours straight & it works. Margie and I write everything together, so it isn't done. But the bones are good, hopefully no hip replacement needed. Since I can't share the chapter, I thought I'd share some […]
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