Wednesday, August 18, 2010
This week, New York Times Bestselling author Ellen Hopkins was uninvited to the Humble Teen Lit Fest because a librarian and few "concerned" parents complained about the content of Hopkins' books. They were worried that her books might have a negative impact on students & their children. If you are unfamiliar with the incident, read […]
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Last week, we finished the draft of Book 3. It took 12 weeks, which is exactly how long it took Margie and I to draft BEAUTIFUL CREATURES & BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS. That may seem fast, but we also spend 6-8 months revising, so it isn't all fun and games. While I was drafting, I would check […]
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A lot of people ask what I would be doing if I wasn't a writer, which is funny because I haven't been a writer very long. I've been lots of other things . . . I waited tables in Georgetown, and worked for a speed cleaning service (I can still clean my whole house merrily […]
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Monday, April 5, 2010
I've been getting a lot of e-mails lately asking what I was like as a teen. What a terrifying question. Mostly, because I remember exactly what I was like & how I felt back then. So the short answer? I was weird. The long answer is more complicated: dark moody volatile wore lots of black, […]
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Monday, March 29, 2010
It's a question politicians are asking, and their answer is clear with every library closure and pink slip. Last week, the LA Unified School District was giving librarians pink slips — this is after a decision to cut the library acquisitions budget to 0% this year. The frightening thing is LAUSD is not alone. Libraries […]
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I got a really interesting e-mail from a reader/writer the other day, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. This writer was involved in a debate with some of her critique partners about the importance of following certain "rules" when writing fiction. The writer who e-mailed me argued that there are no […]
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