Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Rocked Operation Book Drop

What is Operation TBD? Operation Teen Book Drop is the combined efforts of readergirlz, Guys Lit Wire, YALSA, and If I Can Read I Can Do Anything. They will be dropping over 10,000 new YA books, donated by publishers, into the hands of teens on Native American tribal lands. Nationwide, librarians, over 100 YA authors, […]

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Favorite New Reads of 2009

I should start off by saying, these are not reviews — just some of my personal favorite reads. I could never be a book reviewer. It's too hard, and I would be terrible at it. When I love a book, I can't say enough about it. When I hate a book, I don't write a […]

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Southern Writers Tour – Saundra Mitchell

There's an important stop we need to make on the tour, a stop that I'm willing to bet will send you right to your local bookstore or library. I fell in love with the novel, SHADOWED SUMMER, in the first chapter. There was something about it–the way I found myself sweating in the Louisiana heat […]

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Southern Writers Tour – Deborah Wiles

The next stop on our tour is a long way from vampires and into the shelves of middle grade fiction. Most of you probably don't read a lot of middle grade fiction, unless you happen to be a librarian or a teacher. As an elementary school Reading Specialist, I've read my share and one of […]

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Southern Writers Tour – Anne Rice

[ Claudia from the movie Interview with a Vampire ]                        [ Anne Rice ] Since so many of you are fans of Gothic and urban fantasy, I though we should stop by and visit someone more contemporary on our tour. As a reader, I am also a big believer of going to the source. Meaning, […]

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Southern Writers Tour – Harper Lee

[ Harper Lee & Truman Capote ] If there is one Southern writer I love as much as Flannery O'Connor, it's Harper Lee. Most of us have, or will have to read To Kill a Mockingbird in a high school English class. But I think TKM is better enjoyed alone. The tedious over-analysis and chapter […]

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