Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Rocked Operation Book Drop


What is Operation TBD?

Operation Teen Book Drop is the combined efforts of readergirlz, Guys Lit Wire, YALSA, and If I Can Read I Can Do Anything. They will be dropping over 10,000 new YA books, donated by publishers,
into the hands of teens on Native American tribal lands. Nationwide,
librarians, over 100 YA authors, and teens will drop YA books in their
own communities.

More information on the drop, from ReaderGirlz Blog.

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I decided to "drop" a signed copy of BEAUTIFUL CREATURES at the Starbucks where I buy my coffee most mornings. I don't like to attract attention, so I knew this would be tough because the place is always packed.

I stealthy (so I thought) positioned BC in a chair, in the reading area. I was about to take a pic, when this guy in the chair next to me, takes out his ear buds and says (really loud), "What are you doing?"

So now, everyone was interested in what I was doing.

My solution? I fled.

You can find my book here, at Starbucks on Montana Avenue (1426), in Santa Monica, CA.

1426 Montana Ave.


4 responses to “I Rocked Operation Book Drop”

  1. Sara says:

    That’s so cool =)

  2. I love that 1) someone actually challenged your taking a picture in a Starbucks (really?) and 2) your instinct was not to say, “Dude! I am a famous author! I am in the middle of a charity thingy! Mind your own beeswax,” but rather to high-tail it. You needed to dig deep and channel the Punisher there. 😀
    Anyway, I’m certain whoever was lucky enough to get the book was ecstatic! It’s so sweet that you did this.

  3. Awesome! I have a photo for you guys… spotted you in Madrid last week. Will send it soon!

  4. Ronnica says:

    Haha! Sorry you got “caught!”