Saturday, March 21, 2009

what are your secrets?

If you're not reading the Caster Girls' blog, you should be. They're definitely more interesting than me and now they're playing a little truth or dare. Except it's all about truth. Caster Girl 25 is inviting you to share your secrets, or maybe just one. E-mail me or Margie your secret & we'll post it on our blogs without your name. If you put it on a postcard, like they do on, just take a picture of it or scan it & e-mail the image. 

Remember: It's anonymous!

Check out Caster Girl 25's post here.

You can also check out Post Secret yourself.

Here's the first one, I've received.


What's your secret???

2 responses to “what are your secrets?”

  1. susan says:

    you don’t…it took me til i was 40 to realize that if i hadn’t made them happy by then i wasn’t going to…don’t wait that long…make yourself happy, other people will be happy for you and you will attract the people that will make your life fuller.

  2. Great post.Really thank you! Great.