Thursday, April 23, 2009

cutting: a.k.a. wrecking the draft



So here's how it goes with us…

We have 439 pages of Book 2 finished, and our draft is due next week (in other scenarios with BC an edit due).  It's done, right?  That's what sane people would assume, but Margie and I operate a little differently.  One of us calls the other (usually M calls me) and the conversation goes something like this.

M: I've been reading the draft and something keeps bothering (at this point, I know what's coming, or she does). There's a problem with _________ (the arc, the end, an event that defies everything pure and true about the universe). 

[At this point, we agree because when the wrecking ball is about to strike, we pull it back together.]

M: I know you're not going to want to hear this (which, at this point I know I don't), but I think we have to cut  ____________ (chapter x, the flying monkey, the 18 original song samples we wrote for Link's band). Whatever it is, it is undoubtedly my FAVORITE chapter or flying monkey.

K: We're not cutting that. The problem is bigger than that.

M: I agree, but I think it starts with the flying monkey. Think about it.

We hang up. 20 minutes go by (it's only takes 20 minutes because usually we both knew this was coming. I call back.

K (or M, depending on who initiated the wrecking ball sequence – which CANNOT be stopped once set in motion): Okay, we'll cut the the flying monkey (or chapter x). But that means we have to restructure the entire ________ (beginning, middle, or end).

M: Can we do that? 

K: *sigh* Yes.

M: Okay, I'll start on Y, while you re-cut.

[ It doesn't matter who starts the sequence, it's like the button in Lost. You have to keep pushing it. ]

So M is hard at work on Y, and I'm supposed to be re-cutting. If you're not a writer, re-cutting is the equivalent of deciding you want to renovate the second floor of your house without touching the first or third floors. AND you want to live in the house during the remodel.

Generally, I am not a procrastinator. EXCEPT when it comes to re-cutting. Today, while I was supposed to be working, I swapped Tweets with Michelle Zink (yes, Prophecy of the Sisters Michelle Zink), and bloggers: Kristi a.k.a. the Story Siren, Tizah,  the Compulsive Reader, Vania of Reverie Media & Adele of Persnickety Snark & hung out the Caster Girls.

(Of course, M knows I'm not working because she is getting the Tweets at fencing.)
So, now I have to do it. Wish me Luck.

8 responses to “cutting: a.k.a. wrecking the draft”

  1. HEY!!!!! hahahhah
    yeah we had some fun tweets today!? lol
    But your dynamic is fascinating. Quite entertaining actually.
    LOVE your blog!!?!

  2. Staci says:

    I love this entry!!! Good Luck cuz…love you tons!

  3. Adele says:

    Good luck! Sorry for diverting your from your book :}
    Though I do have to add that there is an unwritten rule (at PSnark anyway) that the flying monkey should never go. I am sadly disappointed in you and Margie 😉
    Great post, really interesting to hear the to and fro-ing between co-authors.

  4. kami says:

    Thanks for reading. I love reading your blogs, too. And there weren’t really any flying monkeys, although some things were possibly as questionable.

  5. Caster Girl 25 says:

    Oh man you are cutting something from the book 2!!!!! I’m scared I hope its nothing I love.
    Good luck!

  6. susan says:

    WOW…what a beautiful book cover…i love that cover too…has a feel like Beautiful Creatures….
    I agree, i would hope you NEVER cut the flying monkeys!! You & Margie do have a way about you…very interesting to be let in for a moment….

  7. kami says:

    CG 25… You know how we are.

  8. Oh man, that sounds complicated! Best of luck to you in creating awesome, awesome books! (Which always INCLUDE flying monkeys!)