Tuesday, April 28, 2009

vania stoyanova – looking between the cracks

As a former professional artist, I am always on the lookout for thought provoking art and photography. Many of you know I'm a huge fan of photographer and artist, Margi Geerlinks (in this post).

While tweeting on Twitter, I discovered another talented photographer. (Proving to all naysayers that tweeting it is not a waste of time.

Her name is Vania Stoyanova. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia. (A Southern photographer – even better.)

Here are some of my personal favorites:





I think one of the most important things about art is what it means to the individual. How we react to it – the emotions (positive or negative), the images, the self-reflection it elicits. With this is mind, I asked Vania to send me her thoughts on the series. But before reading them, I wrote down my own interpretation/reactions. Before you read mine, stop and think about yours. (I have intentionally left off the titles so you won't be influenced.)


My Thoughts: This series speaks volumes to me about the frightening effects of the social/emotional pressures teens feel today, and the self-destructive outlets some find for these frustrations. When I look at these pictures, I can feel their pain. And although some of the pictures may make you uncomfortable, that's the point. Isn't it? To feel what the girls in these photos are feeling?

Vania's Motivation: The photos are part of her Psychological Disorder Series. She based some of the images on characters that she feels have had a significant impact on literature. Wouldn't you love to know which ones? She also thinks teens need to be aware of issues, such as sedative dependency, which is closely tied to depression and eating disorders. Vania feels the teenage years are a tumultuous time, and without "proper guidance some [teens] fall through the cracks or even get stuck between the cracks, and very few get out."

The last piece, Wired, was a stand alone piece Vania did as a reaction to the beauty ads bombarding young girls with cheerful, carefree images of beauty. Wired depicts the dark side: ideals that constrict a faceless girl. She could be anyone, couldn't she?

In addition to photography, Vania has a YA Book Blog, Reverie Media, where she reviews and shares her ideas on YA literature.

7 responses to “vania stoyanova – looking between the cracks”

  1. Shelly Burns says:

    Thanks so much for showcasing this wonderful artist. Vania and I tweet constantly and I am so happy that her work is getting recognized. She deserves it b/c she is a great talent!

  2. Thanks!!! 😀
    Now I’ll go hide in a corner! lol

  3. Margie says:

    Vania, those are really amazing! I love the one with the wire but I most relate to the one with the crumpled paper everywhere!
    Kam, you should post this on the Caster Girls page because I would love to hear what how our actual teen Casters relate to these images…
    Great post!

  4. kami says:

    I put it on CG!

  5. Claire says:

    OMG Vania is amazing! A photographer myself, I’m simply amazed by her photos!

  6. Jen says:

    Vania has an amazing blog! And her photos are lovely <3

  7. Lenore says:

    Very arresting images! I also love Vania’s blog 🙂