Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Check Out My RT Booklovers Convention 2015: YA Edition Photo Diary

Vilma's Book Blog

The RT Booklovers Convention is one of my favorite annual book events. The combination of parties, panels, young adult events, Teen Day, and hundreds of romance writers all in one place brings out the reader and fangirl in me. So when Carol Stacy, publisher of RT Book Reviews magazine and executive of the RT Booklovers Convention, and Melissa Marr, author and former captain of the convention’s YA Track asked me to take over as YA Track captain, I jumped at the chance.

I thought it would involve organizing a few panels, making some spreadsheets, and emailing a couple dozen young adult authors. I can handle it, I told myself.

After 12 panels, 364+ e-mails, and working with over 100 YA authors, I’m here to give you the highlights and share what happens when I got more than a little help from my RT, reader, blogger, and author friends.

Check out my RT Booklovers Convention 2015: YA Edition photo diary on Vilma’s Book Blog.

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