Monday, February 20, 2012

Publishing Our Book in Other Countries


I got a box in the mail today from Penguin, our UK publisher. Ten books. Ten beautiful copies of the book I co-wrote, which will be on shelves tomorrow. I never imagined publishing a book. And I definitely didn't think I would write a book that would be published in other countries.

When BC first started selling in the foreign market, it was sort of surreal. We received e-mails confirming that the UK, or France, or Greece wanted to publish BC – in a country I usually hadn't been to, in a bookstore I might never see. It wasn't REAL.

Then something changed. I bet you're thinking that it has something to do with this box – that when actual books started showing up from other countries, it hit me.

But that wasn't it.

A few months ago, I started receiving e-mails and tweets, reading facebook messages and noticing fansites, from readers in other countries. Suddenly, teens and adults oceans away were sharing their thoughts and feelings about everything from our book to my choice of boots. Beautiful Creatures wasn't just a book on the shelf in another country – it was a book in the hands of a reader.

When I see pictures of French fans carrying the book or see drawing of Ethan and Lena created by Spanish fans, all I can think about is how much the books I read mean to me. That our book means that much to someone else. Now I can imagine it in other countries – countries I hope to visit, even if I can't speak the language or read a word of our book on their shelves.

I want to meet the people reading the book. I want to thank them.

7 responses to “Publishing Our Book in Other Countries”

  1. alannah says:

    You can’t imagine how reading this book had changed my perception of YA lit. It’s not just the book itself but, as you so beautifully said, it’s the authors. I’ve never had the chance to exchange a single tweet or be a friend in the actual FB page of J. K. Rowling or Stephenie Meyer! So trust me when i say you’ve both made my year :)! And not only you, but all the other YA lit fans i’ve met through your tweets or through the best scavenger hunt i’ve been in! And all the books you’ve recommended and the other authors i’ve tweeted with through you! I’m now a die-hard YA lit and BC fan and it’s all YOUR fault :)! And even though i’d LOVE to meet you tomorrow, i live in one of those “oceans away” countries but, next time i’m in the US or if you stop by Dominican Republic, i’ll try to thank my favorite YA lit authors for making me love reading again :). Toodles!~

  2. susan says:

    a great aricle…it’s good to know how much your readers touch you too.

  3. Iffath says:

    Woweee! I can’t wait to get it here in the UK!! 😉

  4. Shane says:

    Nope, thank you from a reader in Ireland!

  5. This is so unbelievably cool!

  6. Zara says:

    Yay! My sister got me the book yesterday (published by penguin) cannot wait to read it!!!!

  7. Rose says:

    i was in barnes & noble looking for something that caught my eye, i came across beautiful creatures, and i finally finished reading the book and boy did it blow me out of the water. it sucked me in completley, i couldnt wait to get back to it, i was always anxious to open it again and jump back into gatlin. what a great work. please continue to write, and im so excited about the movie! and of course the sequel. you guys are great! if you ever need a great singer, email me =)