Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If I Wasn't a Writer…

A lot of people ask what I would be doing if I wasn't a writer, which is funny because I haven't been a writer very long. I've been lots of other things . . .

I waited tables in Georgetown, and worked for a speed cleaning service (I can still clean my whole house merrily in an hour). At different times, I've also been: a teacher, a reading specialist, an educational therapist, and a contemporary artist (you can see my paintings in the About section on the sidebar).

But the real question seems to be what else would I want to do if I wasn't writing. I considered the following jobs:

  • Spokesperson for Diet Coke (I would excel at this one).
  • Baker (pies of course).
  • Photographer (this would require actually learning to shoot manual).
  • Lion Tamer (but I can't forget about Roy – seriously).
  • Member of Black Sabbath (haven't heard back).
  • The Punisher (according to Facebook, he's my alter ego). 
  • Undercover Cop (I can get out of the trunk of a car from the inside — a grossly underestimated skill).

But I think the winner would have to be . . . a ballerina. I mean, I have all the costumes already.


4 responses to “If I Wasn't a Writer…”

  1. Kristin says:

    I think you would have been a dancer too…we had many nights of dancing to all genres of music..lol
    ballerina..sure..ballroom..perhaps..I mean it is in your blood…A superstar in some form…you were destined to be…But I knew you would write…I remember hundreds of journals…I tried to read..but there were so many..all fascinating….You are right where you belong my love…Keep it up…xo

  2. Kami Garcia says:

    You are so cute! You’re the rock star!

  3. susan says:

    i remember a few other tutus along the way & many other possible occupations… you would excel at any….

  4. susan says:

    I think you forgot food critic…ice cream taster ….