Monday, July 20, 2009

Southern Fancies – fancy roosters anyone?


Southerns are famous for their eccentricities, which include their pet preferences. I only bring this up because my mom lives in NC, and her neighbor has fancy roosters. Yes, you read that right. "Fancy" roosters. Say it a few times and this about it. It's hard to wrap your mind around isn't it?

I did a little research online because I wasn't sure why anyone would raise fancy roosters, unless they live on a farm. I wondered…

Are fancy roosters tastier than other chickens?
Is there a milliner somewhere who pays a high price for their tail feathers, so he can make fancy church hats?
Are these roosters endangered, like white tigers or pandas?
Do they lay golden eggs?

After a less than exhaustive search on the Internet, I have concluded that the only defining characteristic of fancy roosters is fanciness.

Take our friend here. He lives next door to my mom.


Notice his red belly and "fancy" tail? Now before you run out and buy your own fancy rooster, there are a few things you should know:
– They are expensive, as in they can cost as much as a purebred dog.
– They require a large pen or area to run around in. I would not suggest your living room for this.
– They don't seem particularly friendly.
– They seem to know they are fancy, and behave accordingly.
– And most importantly, they crow at sunrise just like un-fancy roosters.

A potbellied pig is sounding better by the minute.

5 responses to “Southern Fancies – fancy roosters anyone?”

  1. CasterGirl13 says:

    I will do whatever I can to get one of these

  2. CasterGirl 17 says:

    This is an awesome chicken.

  3. caster girl 15 says:

    i want a chicken so bad. i would just let it peck at me until it felt bad and started to love me, and we would be the best of friends.

  4. Amelia says:

    Oh my, roosters scare me to death. I lived in an apartment a few years ago in a metropolitan area and my neighbors had snuck 2 roosters in to live. Everything was okay until I came home from work one evening and got attacked! Ever since I’ve kinda been freaked out by them. I guess if they had been Fancy roosters, they wouldn’t have spared me a second glance. 😛

  5. Caster Girl 25 says:

    OMG Amelia I feel your pain! I was attcked by roosters in El Salvador when I was little! Nasty little beasts!