Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Original Beautiful Creatures Prints by Vania Stoyanova

[ The White House by Vania Stoyanova ] You heard right… you can win an original BC print, like the one above, or a print from one of Vania's other shoots. Margie put the word out on her blog yesterday, but I felt we had to cover all the bases because we don't want you […]

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Southern Writers Tour – Harper Lee

[ Harper Lee & Truman Capote ] If there is one Southern writer I love as much as Flannery O'Connor, it's Harper Lee. Most of us have, or will have to read To Kill a Mockingbird in a high school English class. But I think TKM is better enjoyed alone. The tedious over-analysis and chapter […]

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My Guest Post on "Because of a Book"

Today I'm the featured author on Shelly's weekly installment of "Because of a Book," on her blog, Write for a Reader. Want to know what book made a huge impact on me as a kid (and generally embarrassing things about me)? Read my guest post on "Because of a Book" here. Thanks for having me […]

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

imho (in my humble opinion)

1. Diet Coke not coffee.2. Baskin Robbins not Ben & Jerry's.3. Gelato is not ice cream.4. The left lane is the FAST lane people.5. Chiggers are parasites, but I prefer them to the human variety.6. I won't give a book more than 20 pages. I don't care if it won a prize.7. Buffy was the […]

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