Friday, July 17, 2009

31 Things About Derek

My little brother is 31 today. That deserves a tribute, don't you think?
Greenmachine-1 Goldfish   Supermancape

31 Things About Derek (in no particular order):

1. As a kid, he rode his Green Machine (a green Big Wheel for you young'uns) faster than the Batmobile.
2. He does NOT put syrup on his pancakes, only butter (neither do I).
3. He cracked his head open at 3, when he "flew" off the top of the stairs in his Superman pajamas.
4. He's afraid of snakes and flying (something else we share).
5. His favorite snack is Goldfish.
6. Once a year, he decides to grow out his hair or grow a beard. * the sound of me & Erin screaming *
7. His favorite color is green.
8. He's a guitar player and songwriter, who figured out in the last few years that he could sing too.
9. He reads Stephen Hawking (seriously).
10. When he was little, I used to dress him up in my dance recital costumes.
11. He wanted me to name my son Dutch (this did not happen).
12. He loves Baskin Robbins ice cream (mint chip).
13. Every year, he gets a B & R ice cream cake for his birthday.
14. He opens gifts the SECOND he gets them, so my mom has to mail his gifts to me.
15. He is also scared of the dentist.
16. He can drink his weight in Diet Coke or most any soda.
17. His middle name is Eugene.
18. If he could be anything, he'd be a rock star (or share a mind with Stephen Hawking).
19. He'll surf even when it's freezing (or dark).
20. He is one of my biggest fans.
21. If he was rich, he would buy thousands of copies of Beautiful Creatures.
22. He sends me lists of titles for Book 2.
23. He sent me lists of titles for BC. Anthem was his favorite. (It reminded me of that 80's movie American Anthem about the guy who was the Kevin Bacon of gymnastics).
24. He is loyal to a fault, and is still friends with all the guys he hung out with in high school.
25. In college, he asked me not to call his fraternity house because some of his frat brothers said I sounded like a phone sex operator. (This is not a compliment. Sorry phone sex operators.)
26. He loves to gamble, is always up, and ends up losing all his winnings. (Another thing we share.)
27. The first time he baby-sat my son, I came home & my son was sleeping on the floor next to his bed. Derek: "He was in his bed when I checked, I swear."
28. He would rather be happy than rich.
29. He watches "Man v. Wild" & "Deadliest Catch" all the time.
30. He is smarter than he thinks.
31. He is one of my best friends.

We still aren't calling the book Anthem.

4 responses to “31 Things About Derek”

  1. susan says:

    that was the best present i’ve gotten….you two make me proud & happy….loved the list… you both…..

  2. Bianca says:

    Baskin Robins ice cream is the best!

  3. Prodhi says:

    Aww…that is sho shweet!:D

  4. Shelly Burns says:

    What a sweet post, Kam! I am a B&R lover too and had ice cream cakes as a kid.