Monday, June 29, 2009

meeting melissa marr


Q: What can turn two debut authors into stuttering teenagers?
A: Meeting Melissa Marr.

For me, it was like meeting Mick Jagger. (Except Melissa is MUCH younger, cuter & cooler – yeah, I said it- cooler.) She is one of my absolute favorite authors, right up there with Flannery O' Connor & Ray Bradbury. So what's it like to meet an author you completely idolize? Surreal…

This is coming from someone who dragged all of Melissa's books (including WL: Desert Tales) into the Village Idiot, in her purse, and was too shy to pull them out. (Clearly, the Village Idiot was not just the name of the pub.) Would you pull out your concert tees and ask Mick to sign them?

Anyway, the good stuff…

She is as cool as she looks (notice she's wearing purple – some Beautiful Creatures synergy). She is nicer than your best friend, and treats you like you're hers. She has an awesome husband, Loch, who didn't make it into the picture because he was our photographer. She spent most of lunch saying incredibly generous things about our book (as if weren't the ones who were carrying her books around in our bags).

* I want her to move to LA & live next door to us, so we can hang out all the time (and maybe get a little writing advice…)

10 responses to “meeting melissa marr”

  1. Adele says:

    I love hearing YA authors gush about their fellow YA authors. It must have been amazing to meet someone you admire so much. Hopefully I get that opportunity sometime in the future with many of the American authors I now admire. However, should I ever meet Melina Marchetta (of whom I have hero worshipped since the age of 12) I would either gush up a storm or be rendered mute…I guess we’ll see.
    Thanks for sharing Kami!

  2. Margie says:

    Kami is not kidding. I thought she was going to throw up on the way to lunch. Good thing I was driving!
    Melissa is very cool. But Kam, consider this: perhaps MM should NOT move here because she would quickly realize how uncool we are. Hmmmm…
    BTW, note, as usual, there I am in the same black dress. If there is a photo to be had, I am inevitably in the black dress.

  3. Aww! That’s so cool! I love her too! xP I’m with Adele, I would gush too! In fast when I met Stephenie Meyer for the first time at a book signing I DID gush… haha I think I spent all my time with her gushing about how I wanted to write as well as she does…. BEYOND awkward….That must’ve been awesome though! Yay for you! ^^ *highfive*

  4. Vania says:

    she looks chill and u two have such HUGE grins! LMAO I can tell u were freakin out a bit. Isnt she cool tho? I know at her signing here in atlanta I was like front row and freakin out myself until she came in, sat on the table, and had a conversation with us. <3 MM

  5. Caster Girl 25 says:

    I cannot believe you guys got to meet her! LUCKY! I want to know all about her tattoos!

  6. Jenny says:

    Wow, so cool! That would have turned me into a stuttering teenager too!

  7. Shelly Burns says:

    I was front row center when she came to The Woodlands B&N, so I can relate! You all look like you had such a fabulous lunch!
    M – if you come see me, don’t wear the black dress. Then we can get a pic of you in something else! hahaha

  8. CasterGirl 17 says:

    That’s awesome!! That must have been the coolest thing ever

  9. Margie says:

    Shellbell – you are so funny and by that i mean observant – THERE IS A BLACK DRESS. THERE IS A WHITE DRESS. THE END. (translation: will have to wear the white dress lol)

  10. Kami Garcia says:

    I am a total fangirl. What can I say. MM rocks as hard as her books.