Tuesday, May 26, 2009

who are the caster girls…

Caster Girl 25

If you've been wondering, here's your chance to find out. Read Vania's exclusive interview with us, on her blog Reverie Book Reviews, and find out everything you ever wanted to know about the Caster Girls and their connection to Beautiful Creatures. Well, maybe not everything. If you want to find out more, Vania will be interviewing the Caster Girls individually over the next few weeks. Next week, you'll meet Caster Girl 25. These are her kicks. Check out the Caster Girls on their blog.
Here's a sneak peak:
"Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl, authors of Beautiful Creatures call themselves Caster Girls. But they aren’t the only ones. There is a whole blog dedicated to the Caster Girls. I wanted to interview Kami and Margie and find out more. Because just like their book, the two of them are full of secrets.

Q: You have a link to the Caster Girls blog on your blogs, and those of us who read your blogs know that you talk about them a lot. Who are the Caster Girls?

K: When Margie and I set out to write Beautiful Creatures,we were writing it with a specific group of girls in mind. When we started the book, we gave them pages and they demanded more. They passed chapters to their friends and started asking questions. Their questions, ideas, and criticism shaped Beautiful Creatures- because for us, they were our audience. We had no idea we would sell BC, or even send it out. In the beginning, we were just writing it for them. These girls eventually became the Caster Girls.

M: A Caster Girl, in its broadest definition, is a girl with the power – the incredible power – the superpower, even – to be herself. Which isn’t easy. Each of our Caster Girls is as powerful and unique, quirky and talented, witty and complicated, and crazy as Lena Duchannes, from Beautiful Creatures. They’ve fallen into our lives in different ways – some are friends, family members, even students. But at the end of the writing process, they became the original sisterhood of the book. So to us, they’re family."

One response to “who are the caster girls…”

  1. margie says:

    Isn’t Vania the best? 🙂