Tuesday, May 5, 2009

blank wall


This is it. The blank wall in my dining room I was referring to. (M said, "What blank wall???)
Technically, I guess it isn't blank; but it's enough blank space to distract me while J & J have the draft. It's maddening to know they're reading it, without having any idea what their initial impressions are.

This is the phone conversation they have in my imagination:

JH: Is this the draft, or is this SPAM?
JS: I think they've lost their minds. Let's fly them in and admit them to a facility for observation.
JH: Then who will re-write the draft?
JS: Call Joss Whedon. He'll step in. Maybe we can lock them in those sleep pods they have in Dollhouse. What do you think?
JH: Kami's strong. Let's come up with another alternative.
JS: We can say they were lost at sea, while signing ARCs on a Carnival cruise.
JH: Done.


This is the reason I need a project when we aren't writing. So I'm going to paint something for that wall wall – which if you stand in just the right spot – does appear to be blank. I'm thinking something stark, contemporary.

Saturday-morning-2 559
[ CY Twombly ]                                                      [ Alessandro Twombly ]

3 responses to “blank wall”

  1. sigh.. i want to see what your other walls look like. ALL your paintings….!! YES!
    I will show you my wall if you show me your walls.

  2. Margie says:

    I’d like to be sent on a cruise, so I vote for plan B.
    But I don’t know, tiny William Wallace. I think even from a Carnival Cruise ship you could still find your way to midtown Manhattan…you’re the Pippi Longstocking of YA writers. You could life that horse and Tommy and Annika and Julie and Jen and both drafts all at once…funny girl!

  3. kami says:

    I would be happy to be Pippi. Then I could have a monkey.