Wednesday, April 29, 2009

caster girls swag

Caster Girl 18 is at it again and this time she's outdone herself… Check out the CG bumper stickers. Don't you want one?

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

vania stoyanova – looking between the cracks

As a former professional artist, I am always on the lookout for thought provoking art and photography. Many of you know I'm a huge fan of photographer and artist, Margi Geerlinks (in this post). While tweeting on Twitter, I discovered another talented photographer. (Proving to all naysayers that tweeting it is not a waste of […]

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Monday, April 27, 2009

publishing virgin

<whatapic> Dazed and confused -that's what it's like when the publication of your first book is imminent. (at least for me) For those of you who love Letterman, here's the: Top Ten Stupidest Questions You Ask Your Agent, Editors, Writing Partner (Margie), or Blog Girls (at least if you're me): 10. They want to buy […]

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Friday, April 24, 2009

this week

<Tokyo, Japan> Even with all my procrastinating, I accomplished a lot this week. Here's the short list: 1. Finally set up my author page on Good Reads. You would think this wouldn't be a particularly challenging activity, but it's been a long week. You can become my fan, so I won't be fan-less. (How obnoxiously […]

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

cutting: a.k.a. wrecking the draft

<> So here's how it goes with us… We have 439 pages of Book 2 finished, and our draft is due next week (in other scenarios with BC an edit due).  It's done, right?  That's what sane people would assume, but Margie and I operate a little differently.  One of us calls the other (usually […]

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

libba bray meets midnight in the garden of good and evil

If you read the latest post on the BC blog, you know Little, Brown presented its 2009 fall/winter librarian preview and BC was one of the books presented. Read the post here. But this was my favorite quote from the article by Elizabeth Byrd, although it doesn't mention who said it: "Best Meets: 'Libba Bray […]

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