Monday, February 16, 2009

what i believe

(In no particular order):

Say what you mean and mean what you say.
As far as I'm concerned, there are two kinds of people. People who say whatever they think you want to hear and forget about it two seconds later, and everyone else. I try to be part of the later.

Never break your word.

I don't break my promises. Period. It's the same reason I don't cheat (on tests or on people). Your word is the only thing no one can take from you. Your pride, your strength, your conviction – trust me, you can lose those. But when it comes to your word, you're the only one who can give it away. I don't give mine away.

The right thing and the easy thing are never the same.

It's hard to do the right thing. To tell the truth when you screw up, to stand up for someone when you're standing alone, to go against your friends or the powers that be when you know they're doing the wrong thing. It's easier to go with the flow, conform, and get with the program. Going with the flow is overrated. It's the battle cry of people who are afraid to make waves.

Swim upstream. Do the right thing. Even when it costs you.

What goes around comes around.

It may seem like disgusting people are always getting away with their wretched behavior. But I don't believe they get away with it for long. It always comes back to them.

So next time the woman or girl with everything – the big house, the perfect husband who worships her (at least according to her), and the perfect hair or the cool car, the prefect boyfriend (see above), and the perfect hair – talks behind your back, steals your boyfriend, your seat on the Board, or your role in the play . . . think about this.

Her husband or boyfriend is probably cheating. Her hair is so processed she's a couple of months away from extensions. And if none of that has happened yet, it will.

Don't waste your time trying to get back at those people. Life will do it for you.

Don't make excuses.

No one wants to hear them and no one believes them. Trust me, your friends notice if you're "sick" every time you make plans with them. And your boss or teacher notices if you always have an incredibly compelling reason why you can't turn in your work or essay on time. Just save it. You aren't fooling anyone.

Be loyal to your friends.

Be there for your friends. Don't be petty or jealous, and if you are once in a while, admit it. Don't let anyone talk about your friends in front of you. And if someone hurts one of your friends, cross them off your list. The flip side is, don't be friends with people who don't have empathy. This means, if you're crying, your friend is hurting with you. If you're angry, they are hurling the insults along side you. If you're scared, they get it. The only people who don't have empathy are serial killers. Do you want to be friends with a serial killer? I don't.

If your friends can't manage any of this, I would cross them off your list.

Disclaimer: These views and opinions are those of the author. They do not reflect the views and opinions of typepad, writers in general, brunettes, women under 5"3', or people who drink a lot of Diet Coke.

2 responses to “what i believe”

  1. Ashly says:


  2. Staci says:

    This is sooo 100% you!! LOVE IT!