Wednesday, February 25, 2009

spilling open

If you haven't read this book, it might change your life. I think everyone between the ages of 12 and 25 should be able to go to some kind of kiosk futuristic government and pick up a free copy. 


The book is artist Sabrina Ward Harrison's art journal, but it's also filled with photos, poetry, diary entries, quotes. The book is gorgeous. But more importantly, it's all about finding your way, figuring out who you are & making a place for yourself in the world. Some of the same things Margie and I find our characters grappling with, in our books. It's what I tried to do in my paintings.

Some pages are just snapshots of her life.


So I'm wondering . . .

Would any of you keep a journal? Full of drawings or photos, poems or lists? Documenting your thoughts and fears? Your life?

Would you ever let yourself spill open?

2 responses to “spilling open”

  1. WHAT?!!! this looks AWESOME!!! must find it!

  2. Joan says:

    i keep a journal too. it’s more of an “idea book” for my stories but i also fill it up with photos and movie tickets and poems and quotes that inspired me.
    i think it’s a great idea to keep a journal! you can always look back on them and be surprised and remember and just.. read something fun.