Monday, February 9, 2009

dirty little secrets

Here are a few of mine…

1. I can't type and wrote Beautiful Creatures with 4 fingers (three on my right hand & one on my left to press shift). 

2. I don't know how to ride a bike.

3. I love disaster movies - TwisterVolcanoDante's PeakArmageddon – I've see them all. In fact, if The Day After Tomorrow is on, I can't turn it off. I've probably seen it 30 times.   

4. I can't drink Diet Coke, or any kind of soda, without ice. But really, what other kind of soda is there?

5. I'm really superstitious (a source of great amusement for my friends and family) and I'd never get on a plane without my medals and charms.

6. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the show, not the movie).

7. I don't like birds. Kind of like Indiana Jones and snakes, except I'm way less cool and don't look good in a hat. Although, I did touch a gigantic white owl in Spain because someone told me it would bring me good luck. Superstition again.


But I'm not afraid of monkeys . . .


8. There are a few more that are too embarrassing to divulge at this point, but we'll see what happens.

One response to “dirty little secrets”

  1. OMG!?!?!! THE OWL!?!?! eeeeeep