Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Writing Space

In a recent post, Holly Black mentioned a feature on Terri Windling's blog called "On My Desk." Terri posts photos of the desks/workspaces of artists & writers. I felt sort of jealous beacuse I immediately wanted to post pictures of my desk — except for one problem. I don't have one. I live in a two-bedroom condo, with my husband, two kids & our dog. There is no room for an office, or even a desk in our bedroom.

Regardless, I did write three books and one short story in my humble writing space. And I know that lots of writers don't have the luxury of a proper office (or desk), so I thought I would share mine.

But before I do, I thought I would share where I wrote the majority of my share of BEAUTIFUL CREATURES. My daughter was two months old when Margie & I started writing the story that would later become BC. My son was two and a half, and had just moved into his toddler bed. For those of you who've  had the joy of this experience, you know that the toddler doesn't actually stay in the toddler bed. They get out a million times to wander out of their room.

So I sat on the floor of my son's room in the dark, with my computer. I worked as he fell asleep, and often ramined there for hours after. (Yes, that's the pillow I leaned against every night.)


But I have moved up in the world, and now I have a more comfortable workspace. Although, I still don't have a desk.


This is it. Usually, there's a Diet Coke on the floor beside me and my dog Spike (named after my favorite character in the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer).


The extenstion of my workspace is my night stand, where I keep books, research materials, my notebook with ideas & various charms (because I'm superstitious, and you never know).


2 responses to “My Writing Space”

  1. This is excellent! It just proves that we can write anywhere, it’s all about determination. And wow lady, you have got it in droves! I love your dog’s name by the way. Totally awesome. Spike rocked. Best show ever. 😉

  2. Wow, that makes me grateful for my space! I have a desk, a dining table and my coffee table. Kudos to you for making such a small space work! I like your lamp. 🙂